Global CPM Trends and Priorities Report 2025

A unique and comprehensive global view of key planning and additional performance management market trends

Global CPM Trends and Priorities Report 2025 

A true connection between data, strategy, and process is the foundation that enables organizations to lead with innovation. Being unable to illuminate that connection is where many organizations struggle to have their business and planning data truly connected to their strategy to stay ahead of the curve.

Lumel is very proud to sponsor this inaugural joint report from BARC and BPM Partners which provides a unique and comprehensive global view of the key trends shaping this market, offering insights that are valuable to business users, decision-makers, and industry leaders alike.

For business users, this report is an invaluable resource for staying ahead of the curve when embarking on new or expanding performance management projects. By understanding the key drivers of change in the planning and performance management space, organizations can make informed decisions that not only optimize current operations but also position them for future success. The insights presented in this report are invaluable for companies looking to innovate, drive growth, and remain resilient in the face of market volatility.

For the industry as a whole, this report underscores the transformative potential of planning and analytics solutions, emphasizing their role in enabling more agile, responsive, and data-driven organizations. As businesses continue to adapt to the complexities of the modern economy, the need for comprehensive, forward-looking performance management tools will only grow to better illuminate the connection between data, strategy, and process.
Download the Global CPM Trends and Priorities Report 2025

Download this report to explore:

  • Insights from a global survey of more than 1,300 companies and how they approach modern BI, planning, and analytics.

  • Connecting data, strategy, and process is key for innovation, but many organizations struggle with this alignment.

  • Why planning and analytics solutions are essential for helping businesses stay agile and data-driven in a volatile market.

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Lumel empowers enterprises to look forward and think ahead with an innovative suite of products for real-time integrated planning, reporting, and analytics. Designed for business users, Lumel delivers cutting-edge, no-code, self-service user experiences to leverage your modern data platform investments, reduce TCO, and retire legacy solutions.


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